My cell phone screensaver says, “Be the energy you want to attract.” This is a constant reminder for me and what I put out in the universe. “Energy is contagious: either you effect people or you infect people.” — T. Harv Eker
Be electrific…what do you think of when you hear this word? I’m sure it’s made up, but it sounds like something positively charged (get it?). The image of several people immediately come to mind when I hear this. Bubbly? Energetic? Positive? Encouraging? Goes out of their way for others? Does something without the need for recognition? Lends a hand or an ear even when it’s inconvenient? Actually, this sounds like a lot of people who work here and just the kind of person our patients and families sometimes need to keep them going. No one can be this all the time (unless you’re Samantha Jones), but we can all be this a lot of the time. When we’re down, seek out an electrific person to light your way.
Here are some hot tips for celebrating (yes, it’s real) Electrific Day by Beverly Beuermann-King, Workplace Wellness Expert and public speaker on mental health in the workplace:
Be Well …
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