Be Still, My Heart!

May 2022

“Being still does not mean don’t move. It means move in peace.”  — E’yen A. Gardner

The thunder is roaring, the curtains gently streaming in with a cool breeze, and I smell that sweet smell of fresh rain. The pat-pat-pattering of rain pinging off the roof fills me with a sense of calm. Just now, in the busyness of life,  I am overwhelmed with the need to be still and take in what’s around me. This is not planned, it presented itself and I accepted. Tuning in to my senses, rather than the demands of the day, brings me peace. It is quite literally the calm in the storm that I found… be still, my heart. This flash of mindfulness, even though it’s just fleeting moments in time to be stolen here and there, speaks to me in a way that is restorative and sets a tone for me as I move forward today. In this moment, I can shush the world and reflect on what I am thankful for. My mind quiets of other matters. I breath, I smell, I look, I slow my breathing, I close my eyes, and I hear. I am still and with myself.

This month’s wellness is your PSA to find (or plan) moments of stillness that speak to YOU.

Did you know?

  • Being in stillness reduces responses in the sympathetic nervous system, thereby reducing your acute stress response responsible for fight or flight.
  • Stillness improves our ability to handle adversity by sitting with what is.
  • Being still is a form of mindfulness that anchors you to the present. We are often anxious over future or past events. Stillness allows you to be here in your head.
  • As you learn to be more present, a natural outcome is getting better at listening to others.
  • While stillness is not intended as a problem-solver, you can often find clarity or a sense of wellness around a situation that has been troubling you.
  • You may choose stillness as a form of connection to your higher power.

To be still, you can plan it (set a timer and environment each day; you may initially struggle with keeping your mind quiet) or you can accept the gift when it comes (like this storm).

What stills your heart?

Be Well …

Arkansas Hospice Employee Wellness Council (EWC) Keeping you Well – Mind, Body, & Spirit

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