“Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges.” — Bryant McGill
Approximately two years ago – that seems like a lifetime, right? – the Wellness Council purchased a subscription of the Calm app for the use of Arkansas Hospice employees. Little did we know we were headed into a pandemic that would challenge every aspect of our lives, from our work, to relationships, faith, and more. We are still navigating this pandemic and we are most certainly still challenged on so many levels.
When the Calm app was initially purchased, we were able to track the early usage and it showed that a total of 908 sessions were completed and over 184 hours of mindfulness gained by our employees. Here we are, two years later and our usage includes a “longest” streak of 70 days in a row, 1746 sessions, and 613 mindful minutes. Wow. WOW. The number of sessions is almost doubled. This wellness council is so incredibly happy to know that the resources provided by the Calm app may have played, may STILL play, a significant role in your coping mechanisms and self-care during these ongoing challenges.
Once logged on, it can seem confusing to know where to begin, with a staggering array of meditations, sleep stories, mindful moments, soothing sounds, and music. But like those of us who work in the field of grief and loss say, we suggest you just start where you are. They offer subcategories for anxiety, children, focus, finding joy, and other options. The beloved search icon is your ticket to finding whatever you need and want. Just pick something. If you like it, keep listening, and if you don’t, keep searching. Personally, I listen to music and soothing sounds, like rain, to help me relax and go to sleep. Others like the sleep stories or a five-minute stretching session to reenergize themselves for their day.
Isn’t this a lovely gift to all of us from Arkansas Hospice? If you use the app, you know, and if you don’t, here is a gentle nudge to practice self-care in a new and nurturing way.
And, we are curious, so please let us know you’re using the Calm app and how it helps you, or that you may now try after reading this email.
Username: calm@arkansashospice.org
Password: AHWellne$$
The Employee Wellness Council is still here. We are, and we care.
Be Well …
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